Mumbai: Actor Kareena Kapoor has shared a recent photograph from her seaside diary whilst on holiday within the Maldives along with her sister and actor Karisma Kapoor, children Taimur and Jehangir, and nephew Kiaan. Bebo was once observed basking within the solar on the seaside with Jeh in a up to date Instagram tale she revealed. She was once noticed rocking her seaside glance in a black monokini. Her messy bun completes her ensemble. At the sand, her little child boy, Jeh can also be observed close to her, enjoying with a toy spade. ‘The place I belong,’ she stated within the caption.Additionally Learn – Karishma Kapoor Madhuri Dixit’s Nostalgic Reunion, Fanatics Say, ‘Arey Re Arey Yeh Kya Hua…Second’
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Kareena Kapoor had in the past shared a photograph of her son Taimur and his nephew Kiaan playing an afternoon on the seaside. Despite her busy time table, the actor all the time manages to spend time along with her circle of relatives and shut buddies Additionally Learn – Malaika Arora Steals the Highlight in a Sheer Decorated Get dressed, Flaunts Her Toned Legs at Farhan- Shibani’s Marriage ceremony Bash
Whilst at the paintings entrance, she gave the impression within the movie ‘Angrezi Medium,’ along Irrfan Khan and Radhika Madan. The image was once well-received through each reviewers and most people. Bebo will subsequent be featured within the movie ‘Laal Singh Chaddha,’ which additionally stars Aamir Khan. The movie is an reliable Hindi remake of the Tom Hanks-led Hollywood movie ‘Forrest Gump.’
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