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Audit revealed: Health department was kind to Mokshit Corporation during Congress rule, scam of 660 crores exposed

Satya Rajput, Raipur. How the CGMSC of the Health Department has emptied the treasury of Chhattisgarh through Mokshit Corporation during the Congress rule has come to light in the audit report of just two years. The amount of fraud is not a small amount, the amount of fraud is so huge that this amount can create a mountain. If the investigation is done properly, then from the officer to the minister, everyone will come under the heat of investigation. According to the audit report, fraud of crores has been done. This entire matter was exposed by

The audit of two years revealed the truth

When the audit team scrutinized the documents of the financial year 2022-24 and 2023-24 regarding the supply of medicines and equipment of CGMSC, the company had made purchases worth Rs 660 crore without budget allocation, which has been caught by the audit team.

I made this mistake in an attempt to spend it

The audit has found that in the last two years, rules and regulations were also flouted in order to use the chemicals and equipment purchased in excess of the requirement. Chemicals and machines were supplied to hospitals which did not require them. Chemicals were supplied to 776 primary health centres in the state, out of which more than 350 primary health centres were such in which no technical, manpower and storage facilities were available.

Purchase without baseline survey

According to the audit team, DHS issued demand letters for equipment and reagents without conducting a baseline survey and gap analysis in health care facilities.

Provision of demand letter but it was ignored

The procurement agency sent healthcare equipment and reagents to 766 primary health centres in single quantities of each item without ensuring the facility is ready. This improper procurement has resulted in high-priced equipment lying unused and the quality of reagents may also be poor.

The audit will unearth more buried secrets

In the letter written to the Health Department on behalf of the audit, it has been clearly stated that a detailed audit is being planned, in which the company, DHS, NHM and regional level health facilities will be audited. These departments have been asked to be directed to cooperate in the audit. Along with this, a suitable date and time has also been asked for conducting the audit.

Audit review meeting will be held on this day

After the disclosure in the CAG audit report, as per the letter issued by the Audit Department to the Health Department, the Health Department has called a meeting on July 2 to review the Health Department audit report, in which the Health Director, CGMSC General Manager, Mission Director National Health Mission have been called with all the documents related to the audit.

Hospital board demands action

State President of Hospital Board, Dr. Rakesh Gupta said that the matter is sensitive. Malpractice in medicines, machines, chemicals in health care is dangerous for patients. Our demand is that this should be investigated.

Inquiry committee constituted

Chhattisgarh Health Minister Shyam Bihari Jaiswal said that we have formed an investigation team. Four to five IAS level officers are investigating. The report will come soon, we will take action based on that. In this case, the payment of more than Rs 360 crore to the company that supplied the medicine and equipment has been stopped.

questions arising

The big question is why was the health department kind to Mokshit Corporation?

On whose orders the rules and regulations were ignored and Mokshit Corporation was given benefit?

Who all are involved in this looting along with emptying the treasury?