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Rajasthan vs Centre: Gehlot, Shekhawat have interaction in disagreement over ERCP


JAIPUR: A disagreement broke out between Leader Minister Ashok Gehlot and Union Jal Shakti Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat over the Jap Rajasthan Canal Venture (ERCP) on Monday.

Gehlot centered Shekhawat that he was once no longer ready to get the ERCP the standing of a mission of nationwide significance from the Centre.

In reaction, Shekhawat stated Gehlot’s observation displays his anguish over his son Vaibhav Gehlot’s defeat within the Lok Sabha elections.

He alleged that the manager minister has no longer forgotten the defeat until date.

All the controversy erupted after Gehlot on Sunday requested Shekhawat to get the high minister claim the ERCP a mission of nationwide significance.

He additionally accused the Union minister of being eager about an try to topple his executive within the state two years in the past.

“I sense anguish of the defeat of his son in Jodhpur in Shri Ashok Gehlot’s statements. Until nowadays, he has no longer forgotten the results of Jodhpur Lok Sabha seat. Since then he considers me his worst enemy. However, I sympathise with him,” Shekhawat stated.

He alleged that Gehlot is not just misusing executive equipment to instigate him but additionally making absurd statements himself.

“I’ve challenged him to turn out their concocted allegations towards Modi ji however as an alternative of offering evidence he needs to push the primary factor within the debate,” Shekhawat stated.

He stated, “Like him (Gehlot), his manner of politics has grow to be beside the point. He must now retire from politics, the folk of his birthday celebration additionally need the similar.”

Gehlot centered Shekhawat over the ERCP, pronouncing he isn’t doing anything else for the state regardless of being a Union minister.

“It’s past comprehension that if a wilderness and water-stressed state like Rajasthan does no longer get the standing of a countrywide mission (for ERCP), then which state gets it?,” he stated.

The nationwide mission standing to ERCP would permit its speedy of completion and therefore 13 districts of east Rajasthan would get ingesting and irrigation water, Gehlot stated.

The mission targets to reap surplus water, to be had all the way through the wet season in rivers in southern Rajasthan reminiscent of Chambal and its tributaries together with Kunnu, Parvati, Kalisindh, and use it in 13 south-eastern districts of the state the place there’s a shortage of water for ingesting and irrigation, the manager minister stated.

“With restricted sources of the state executive, this mission will take 15 years to finish and the price of the mission may even build up. If the central executive offers it the standing of a countrywide mission and if the grant is won, the paintings may also be finished sooner and at a lower price,” he tweeted.

“Our purpose is that the paintings of ERCP must be finished quickly, in order that 13 districts of East Rajasthan can get ingesting and irrigation water. The state executive has thus far spent about Rs 1,000 crore on ERCP and has proposed Rs 9,600 crores on this yr’s funds,” he added.