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Yogi cabinet approved the new transfer policy 2024-25, now such officers can be transferred

Lucknow. The Yogi government on Tuesday approved the new transfer policy for 2024-25. Under this policy, those officers of Group A and B who have completed 3 years in the district and 7 years in the division can be transferred. At the same time, the oldest officers in Group C and D will be transferred. The maximum limit for the transfer of Group A and B officers is 20 percent, while for Group C and D a maximum of 10 percent has been kept. Under this transfer policy, all transfers are to be done by June 30. A total of 42 proposals were placed in the cabinet meeting chaired by CM Yogi on Tuesday, out of which 41 proposals were approved.

Giving information about the proposals passed in the cabinet meeting, Finance and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Suresh Khanna said that the cabinet has approved the Transfer Policy 2024-25. In this policy, the provisions of last year’s policy have been followed. Under this, those officers of Group A and B who have completed 7 years in the division and 3 years in the district in their service period will come under the transfer policy. Along with this, the number of officers transferred cadre wise in Group A and B will be maximum 20 percent and the maximum limit for Group C and D has been kept at 10 percent. He told that according to the arrangement made for Group C and D, the oldest officers will be transferred first. If more than 10 percent transfer has to be done, then the permission of the minister will be required for this. At the same time, if there is a need to transfer more than 20 percent in Group A and B, then it will be necessary to take permission from the Chief Minister.

Transfer will be digitized through human resources

He said that the transfer in Group C and D will be completed completely through the Manav Sampada portal. Under the system of Manav Sampada that has been started, the arrangement of leaving and taking charge after the transfer can be done online only. With this, the service book and salary of the officers can be digitized. Along with this, he said that under the system that is already in place for the 8 aspiring districts of the state and 100 aspiring development blocks of 34 districts, filling the vacant posts there will be the top priority.

Also read – Yogi Cabinet Meeting: Airport will be built in Lakhimpur, 41 proposals approved in cabinet meeting

Employees who retire a day earlier will get the benefit of salary increase

The cabinet has given a big gift to lakhs of government employees of the state. According to this, now the government employees retiring on 30 June and 31 December will be able to get the benefit of the proposed salary hike from 1 July and 1 January. Finance Minister Suresh Khanna said that according to the system that was in place till now, the employees retiring on 30 June and 31 December were not able to get the benefit of the proposed salary hike on 1 July or 1 January. However, now the cabinet has approved it. With this, the employees will be able to get the benefit of salary hike in their pension and gratuity. He said that after a decision of the Supreme Court, judicial employees have already been given this benefit and now government employees will also be able to benefit from it.

Amendment in the names of universities, LOI to 2 private universities

The Yogi government has also made minor changes in the names of 5 universities of the state. According to the approved proposal, the word state has been removed from the names of these universities. Maharaj Suheldev State University Azamgarh will now be named Maharaj Suheldev University Azamgarh. Similarly, approval has been given to remove the word state from Maa Shakumbhari Devi State University Saharanpur, Maa Vindhyavasini State University Mirzapur, Maa Pateshwari Devi State University Balrampur. At the same time, it has been decided to change the name of Uttar Pradesh State University Moradabad to Guru Jambeshwar University Moradabad. State Government Higher Education Minister Yogendra Upadhyay said that the state government is committed to develop higher education so that the students of the state can receive higher education in their own state. For this, along with government universities, private universities are also being promoted. In this sequence, a proposal to give Letter of Intent to two new private universities has been passed. One of these is HRIT Ghaziabad and the other is Future University Bareilly. Both of them have fulfilled all their standards.

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