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‘I’m in Kyiv, no person has escaped anyplace’: Zelenskyy stocks video after Russia claims he’s in Poland

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Saturday posted a video announcing he has now not fled the rustic, opposite to Russian media stories.

Within the video posted on Instagram, Zelenskyy confirmed his Kyiv administrative center and stated, “I’m in Kyiv. I’m operating right here. Nobody has escaped anyplace.”


The video message got here after Russian State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin on Friday stated that Zelenskyy had fled Ukraine and used to be in Poland.  “Zelensky left Ukraine. Deputies of the Verkhonva Rada stated that they might now not get to him in Lvov. He’s now in Poland,” Russian information company Sputnik quoted Volodin as announcing.

Zelenskyy has been extraordinarily vocal concerning the Ukrainian sovereignty amid the Russian offensive, incessantly interacting with the arena via movies and tweets.

On Friday, he criticised NATO for refusing to impose a no-fly zone over Ukraine, announcing it’s going to absolutely untie Russia’s fingers because it escalates its assault from the air. NATO refused to impose a no-fly zone, caution that to take action may just galvanize in style struggle in Europe with nuclear-armed Russia.