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Russia Ukraine Battle Information Are living Updates: Ukraine struggling painful losses, wishes anti-missile guns, says Zelenskyy

Russian troops keep watch over about 80% of the fiercely contested jap town of Sievierodonetsk and feature destroyed all 3 bridges main out of it however Ukrainians had been nonetheless looking to evacuate the wounded, a regional reliable stated Tuesday.

A russian missile strike within the northern a part of Kyiv, dismantled the Retroville buying groceries mall into utter wreck. (Reuters)

Serhiy Haidai, governor of the jap Luhansk area, stated {that a} mass evacuation of civilians from Sievierodonetsk now was once “merely now not imaginable” because of the relentless shelling and preventing. Ukrainian forces had been driven to the commercial outskirts of town on account of “the scorched earth way and heavy artillery the Russians are the usage of,” he stated.

“There’s nonetheless a chance for the evacuation of the wounded, verbal exchange with the Ukrainian army and native citizens,” he informed The Related Press via phone, including that Russian squaddies have now not but totally blocked off the strategic town.

About 12,000 folks stay in Sievierodonetsk, from a pre-war inhabitants of 100,000. Greater than 500 civilians are sheltering within the Azot chemical plant, which is being pounded via the Russians, in line with Haidai. In all, 70 civilians had been evacuated from the Luhansk area within the closing day, the governor stated.