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The brand new political cry in South Korea: ‘Out with guy haters’

They’ve proven up each time girls rallied in opposition to sexual violence and gender biases in South Korea. Dozens of younger males, most commonly wearing black, taunted the protesters, squealing and chanting, “Thud! Thud!” to mimic the noise they mentioned the “unsightly feminist pigs” made after they walked.

“Out with guy haters!” they shouted. “Feminism is a psychological sickness!”

At the streets, such rallies can be simple to push aside as the intense rhetoric of a perimeter workforce. However the anti-feminist sentiments are being amplified on-line, discovering a limiteless target market this is increasingly more implementing its time table on South Korean society and politics.

Those male activists have focused anything else that smacks of feminism, forcing a school to cancel a lecture by way of a girl they accused of spreading misandry. They’ve threatened companies with boycotts, prompting corporations to tug commercials with the picture of pinching hands they mentioned ridiculed the dimensions of male genitalia. And they’ve taken purpose on the govt for selling a feminist time table, eliciting guarantees from rival presidential applicants to reform the rustic’s 20-year-old Ministry of Gender Equality and Circle of relatives.

“We don’t hate girls, and we don’t oppose raising their rights,” mentioned Bae In-kyu, 31, the top of Guy on Cohesion, one of the vital nation’s maximum lively anti-feminist teams. “However feminists are a social evil.”

It’s challenging to inform what number of younger males reinforce the type of extraordinarily provocative​ and steadily theatrical​ activism championed by way of teams like Guy on Cohesion. Bae confirmed up at a contemporary feminist rally​​ dressed because the Joker from “Batman” comics and toting a toy water gun. He adopted feminine protesters round, pretending to, as he put it, “kill flies.”

Ladies’s rights advocates worry that the upward push of anti-feminism would possibly stymie, and even roll again, the hard-won development South Korea has made in increasing girls’s rights.

Lee Hyo-lin, 29, mentioned that “feminist” has turn out to be this sort of grimy phrase that girls who put on their hair brief or lift a unique by way of a feminist author possibility ostracism. When she was once a member of a Okay-pop workforce, she mentioned that male colleagues automatically commented on her frame, jeering that she “gave up being a girl” when she received weight.

“The #MeToo downside is a part of being a girl in South Korea,” she mentioned. “Now we wish to discuss out, however they would like us to close up. It’s so irritating.”