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Ukraine is dedicated to international relations however ‘no longer terrified of somebody,’ President Zelenskyy says in TV deal with

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy addresses the country after a gathering of the Safety and Protection Council after Russia’s resolution to officially acknowledge two Moscow-backed areas of jap Ukraine as impartial, in Kyiv, Ukraine, February 22, 2022.

Ukrainian Presidential Press Provider | Reuters

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated in a televised deal with early Tuesday morning native time that his govt would possibly not react to provocation from Russia, however added that “we will be able to no longer give the rest to somebody.”

“We are devoted to diplomatic method of fixing this factor. We are not reacting to any provocations,” Zelenskyy stated within the broadcast, after Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered forces into jap Ukraine.

“That is our selection. We’re on our land. We are not terrified of somebody and everybody,” he stated, consistent with a transcript by means of NBC Information.

An ‘Proper Sector’ teacher displays a civilian girl the right way to use an attack rifle Kalashnikov all the way through an army workout for territorial protection amid the stress at the border with Russia, in Ukrainian capital Kyiv, Ukraine 13 February 2022.

STR | NurPhoto | Getty Photographs

We want to see who’re our pals and companions, and who continues to frighten the Russia Federation with simply phrases.

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

Ukrainian President

“We do not owe the rest to somebody, and we will be able to no longer give the rest to somebody,” Zelenskyy stated.

The Ukrainian president referred to as Moscow’s motion “a contravention of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity,” and instructed its allies to offer give a boost to.

“We want to see who’re our pals and companions, and who continues to frighten the Russia Federation with simply phrases,” he stated. “We are devoted to diplomatic method of fixing this factor.”

Zelenskyy stated Ukraine is not the similar nation it used to be 8 years in the past, when Russia illegally annexed Crimea from Ukraine, triggering battle within the Donetsk and Luhansk areas which continues to at the present time.

“It isn’t February of 2014. It is February of 2022,” he stated.

“It is a other nation. It is a other military, [but] the similar objective is peace.”

In keeping with NBC Information, along with Ukraine’s status army that is greater than 200,000-strong, the rustic too can mobilize some 300,000 squaddies — and 130,000 of them would shape new territorial protection battalions.

Greater than part of Ukrainians would struggle if Russia invades, consistent with a December survey by means of the Kyiv Global Institute of Sociology, NBC reported.

— CNBC’s Amanda Macias contributed to this record.