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Ukraine President To EU Leaders: ‘This May Be The Final Time You See Me Alive’

Ukraine’s president issued a somber caution to leaders of the Ecu Union as Russian forces proceed to violently invade the rustic.

“This could be the final time you spot me alive,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reportedly instructed Ecu Union leaders on a convention name Thursday evening.

Zelenskyy is lately hiding in Ukraine’s capital town of Kyiv as greater than 100,000 Russian troops proceed to assault the rustic on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s orders.

“We had been intended to speak at the telephone this morning, however he was once now not to be had,” Italian High Minister Mario Draghi instructed his Parliament Friday morning of Zelenskyy.

Swedish High Minister Magdalena Andersson, who was once additionally at the Thursday-night name with Zelenskyy, reportedly instructed the Swedish Information Company that “this will likely were the final time we noticed Zelensky.”

Zelenskyy mentioned in an early Thursday-morning cope with that Russian saboteurs had entered Kyiv and mentioned intelligence discovered “the enemy has known me as the #1 goal.”

U.S. President Joe Biden issued extra sanctions on Russian banks and high-profile oligarchs Thursday, however stopped wanting sending troops in.

“We don’t have any goal of combating Russia,” Biden mentioned right through a press convention. “We need to ship an unmistakable message, although, that the US and our allies will shield each and every inch of NATO territory.”

Greater than 1,700 anti-war protestors were arrested throughout greater than 50 Russian towns in an extraordinary show of public outrage at Putin’s invasion.